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THE CHALLENGE: Baby Canby* is due February 26. We had yet another wonderful, loving and creative Baby Shower AND the 'An Inconvenient Truth'-style Hand-Me-Down Scavenger Hunt was a tremendous success! Not only did we get everything we need, but we collected so many other great things that we've passed along an entire car load to our local Women's Shelter and are sending another one to the Gulf Coast! So women and children e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e win! You rock!

THANK YOU: To all my Tribe and family and friends! The Scavenger Hunt winner? Ann from DC, for being the very first person to respond AND to get her booty to me. It figures... Ann is also the brilliant founder of CHI, an extremely worthy organization that you need to check out. CONGRATS, again, Ms. Incredible!

*Baby Canby was "Maybe Baby" until 5 months along, but then we got more proactive and he/she became "Baby Can Be". Nope... no idea yet if boy or girl... just - from the water sports already - a definte Pisces.

Ruby's name suggestions thus far: Piglet. Bread Bread. Statue of Liberty Son. Checkerboard. Ruby (but only if it's a boy.) Foomus. Tulalu. Co (short for Cococo). Guitar.

Stay tuned...

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